Sunday 3 May 2020



Well you may or may not like Abstract Art or may simply hate it or may not understand exactly what it is. But, since you have started reading this, I can assume that you are curious about this form of art and illusion.

ABSTRACT ART is a non-figurative and non-objective form of art. It has been with us in one form or another for almost a century now and has proved to be a self-renewing important tradition of creativity. It is just lines and different types of shapes which conveys some kind of emotion.Abstract Art is a passion. It is just a representation of a person's mind. It delivers thoughts, experiences and feelings of a person.I believe that the continuing interest in Abstract Art lies in it's ability to inspire our curiosity about the reaches of our imagination and the potential for us to create something unique.The more I attempt to make something real and unique as a painter, the more abstract it becomes. Slowly and steadily I had fallen in love with this paradox. I do enjoy playing with lines and different shapes to create the images I imagine and I want. I believe that the shapes and lines are a kind of joyous and mysterious language that is both personal as well as universal at the same time.

Abstraction creates a departure from reality. It creates an illusion. This departure allows a man to see with his mind which he cannot see physically with his eyes.

                                  ~ Archita Poddar

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