Sunday 6 May 2018



The current generation is all about intimate relationship I presume. Hugs, kisses and everything that is done in public seems to be an eyesore. The older generation were a sophisticated bunch with proper sense of etiquette. They know that public places aren't fit to be hugged but it is definitely a place to open your pants zip and pee. The current generation has a temper that doesn't obey any of the elders. But when these generations approach the older generation for social purposes, the doors are being shut on their faces. But we find the senior citizens to have much more energy when it comes to maintaining there stagnated social rules. Be it a "michke chor" stealing bread for his family or be it a couple staying in close proximity, their blood always boils. And why not? This is something very cheap and not to be done on the roadside. But yeah taking excuse of the crowd you can put your elbows on a young girls chest. That is very much permitted since that is done "chupke chupke" Again our older generation falls silent when a young girl is raped. Why? Cause who will get their hands dirty for an unknown girl. Let her chastity be drained. Unless and until she is my daughter how can it bother. Even if she is my daughter, I can just shut the whole thing up and marry her off to someone unknown of this whole episode. How are you supposed to react if you see a couple hugging. Obviously you will get creeps that is what is legal to feel. Even though we protest about it some among them also might pass comments when they see a couple holding hand in hand. Our generation is destruction. They are adamant, arrogant and what not. They should be taught properly. If only the older rapists belonging to the older generation were taught efficiently that its okay to love. Ironically these citizens will love those rainy scenes performed by Raj Kapoor in "Pyaar Hua Ikraar Hua" but somethings are better showcased only in movies right. They don't suit in reality. So next time you think of holding your hands with your lover, look carefully around. Are you surrounded by those wise men? Or are you ready to be welcomed by slaps and kicks. Ironical isn't it? 🙂

                                                                                  By:- Suchismita Basu Roy

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