Saturday 12 May 2018


Dear My child,
  I remember the first time when I heard that I have got the responsibility to bring you in this world. You know ever since the doctors showed positive signs of me being pregnant, i started planning the world for you. How will be milk fed. What kind of diapers will you wear. What would be your gender. What colour dresses will you be wearing. How will your rice ceremony will be celebrated and how your education will be taken care of. I still remember those 9 months, when I felt pain but everything was worth it. You were worth that pain. Your first cry was a melody- a melody that filled my heart with ecstasy. You know? I was very weak during my delivery but when the doctors gave you in my arms and you held my hand so tightly as to never let go of my hand, I felt as if I found my peace. Feeding you every day. Petting you when you are crying. Getting afraid of every little sickness that you get. You grew up so fast. From placing yourself comfortably in my arms to walking with me side by side, you grew up. You my dear grew up. I remember the first time you were scolded by the teachers. You were crying your eyes out. And that time your only place of refuge was the arms of your mother. The times when you were down with fever, you used to say "Maa" i used to sit there beside you all night. But nowadays, my child for whom I have so many dreams is falling weak over issues like exam results, fight with friends. You have tried to end your life. I know you have cried so much when your lover dumped you. You were in high school only and you expected to find true love? In the span of these years, your priorities have shifted. Relationship, friendship and exams- among all this, you don't take out any time for your mother. You have forgotten to dream the way you forgot to be happy. You tend to get frenzy over people who hurt and was merely a stranger before you met. My dear, please remember your mother has worked so much so that you may live a good and happy life. Do not, i say do not waste it on people or things that are petty. Return to who you were back then. I have prepared you your favorite lunch today. Like always.
          Your mother.

                                                 by:- Suchismita Basu Roy

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